The paper focuses on Antoine Mountain’s memoir. In particular it is on Antoine Mountain’s human rights and equity issues perspectives. So this is a a five (5) page book review of Antoine Mountain’s memoir, From Bear Rock Mountain: The Life and Times of a Dene Residential School Survivor, focusing on the human rights and equity issues that Antoine chronicles.

Antoine Mountain’s memoir-book review Assignment

Students will prepare a five (5) page book review of Antoine Mountain’s memoir, From Bear Rock Mountain: The Life and Times of a Dene Residential School Survivor, focusing on the human rights and equity issues that Antoine chronicles. Mountain not only survived but flourished in the face of what he describes in his memoir as the Holocaust of the Indian residential school system, which he and his sister were stolen into as youths.”

A large part of the book is making inferences or connections between the Holocaust and our experience with cultural genocide here in the West — in Canada in particular — and how the church was in collusion with the government,” Mountain said. Mountain writes that he was motivated to dedicate “something of my true Dene self to the children of future generations” so they would know that the residential school system failed to destroy Indigenous people. But he wanted to do that, he wrote, without a blanket condemnation of his times.

Antoine Mountain’s memoir-book review Assignment

Notes & Instructions: 1. Please use standard academic formatting (double-spaced, 12-pt Times New Roman or similar font, 1-inch margins on all sides). 2. Please include a signed and completed Academic Integrity Checklist (page 3 of this document). 3. Your review should include a brief summary of the work’s overall structure and focus. 4. Include a discussion of what this memoir tells us about human rights and equity issues in Canada. 5. Close with a critical analysis of the book’s accomplishments and shortcomings.

Detailed Instructions for Antoine Mountain’s memoir book review Assignment

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