The paper talks about Analyzing Reasoning on Both Sides-Opposing and defending argument. So, the assignment allows you to present an analysis of the best reasoning on each side of your issue. In the process, you will get to demonstrate some of the key skills you have learned during this course. I

Analyzing Reasoning on Both Sides-Opposing and defending argument

Analyzing Reasoning on Both Sides. This final writing assignment allows you to present an analysis of the best reasoning on each side of your issue. In the process, you will get to demonstrate some of the key skills you have learned during this course. In particular, you will demonstrate the ability to create high-quality arguments on both sides of an issue, to support your reasoning with scholarly sources, and to provide a fair analysis of the strength of the reasoning on each side. Make sure to incorporate any relevant feedback you got from the instructor on your previous writing assignments.For an example of how to complete this paper, take a look at the Week 5 Example

Analyzing Reasoning on Both Sides-Opposing and defending argument

Your paper must include the following sections, clearly labeled:


·         Introduction

o    Introduce readers to your topic; include a brief preview of what you will accomplish in this paper. (approximately 150 words)

·         First Argument

o    Present the best argument on one side of the issue. (approximately 150 words)

§  Express your argument in standard form, with the premises listed one by one above the conclusion.

·         Defense for First Argument

o    Support the first argument as well as you can, using academic sources to demonstrate the truth of key premises. You may also choose to clarify the meaning of key premises and to explain how your reasoning supports the conclusion (approximately 250 words).

·         Opposing Argument

o    Present the best argument on the other side of the issue (approximately 150 words).

§  Express your argument in standard form.

·         Defense of Opposing Argument

o    Support the opposing argument as well as you can, using academic sources to demonstrate the truth of key premises. You are welcome as well to clarify the meaning of premises and/or to explain the reasoning further (approximately 250 words).

Detailed Instructions


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