This assignment focuses on American Revolution assignment- Battle of Lexington and Concord. Additionally some historians even bellieve that Gage’s American wife, Margaret Kemble Gage was a rebel.

American Revolution assignment- Battle of Lexington and Concord

American Revolution. Firstly, the thesis must be, Why is the Battle of Lexington and Concord important to the American Revolution? The Battle of Lexington and Concord was an important battle in the American Revolution because it put a spark in the eyes of the colonists. This battle gave them that boost to believe that they could do this. It also allowed for the colonists to retain their ammo and weaponry. Massachusetts colonial assembly responded to provocations by directing townships to ready their militias. War was coming, and Boston’s patriots were preparing for it.

American Revolution assignment- Battle of Lexington and Concord

The British were preparing, too, and in April 1775, they directed Gage to disarm the rebels. Gage ordered Lieutenant Colonel Francis Smith to gather 700 British Army soldiers and march to Concord. Therefore the rebels were reportedly storing mass quantities of arms and ammunition. So their orders were to find the stash and destroy it. The Patriots, as the anti-British rebels known, had established a fairly effective intelligence network. Additionaly, some historians even believe that Gage’s American wife, Margaret Kemble Gage, was a rebel spy. Whether or not she was the one who provided the Patriots with the information about the planned seizure and destruction of the armory.

American Revolution assignment- Battle of Lexington and Concord

DA British officer demanded that the militia disarm and disperse, and in the ensuing confusion, shots fired. As a result, there exists considerable uncertainty over whether the militiamen or the British soldiers fired first. Regardless, the British soldiers rushed forward with their bayonets.

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