his assignment focuses on Religion Meaning and Value Assessment. Also, provides an analysis  of similarities between the world’s major religions.So, you can choose Christianity for one of the three religions, but you must compare it with a completely different religion.

Religion Meaning and Value Assessment- similarities between the world’s major religions

1.(___/24 points) Thinking about the central tenets (in other words, beliefs) of the world’s major religions, such as the Jewish requirement to love God and do good deeds; the Christian prescription to follow the “golden rule,” the Buddhist emphasis on, among other things, right belief, right resolve, and right conduct; and the Confucian principle of “treating those who are subordinate to you as you would like to be treated by people superior to yourself,” list and briefly discuss two similarities between three of the world’s major religions. So, (4 points for each similarity for each of the 3 religions)

First, choose 3 major religions. These could be any of those mentioned above in addition to others, such as Hindu and Muslim, plus others. So, you can choose Christianity for one of the three religions, but  you must compare it with a completely different religion, not Protestants and Methodists, for example. These are both branches of Christianity.

Religion Meaning and Value Assessment- similarities between the world’s major religions

Next, let’s consider some examples of the similarities that you will discuss. For your “two similarities”, for example, you could consider for one similarity, what beliefs do they have in common? Then, for a second similarity in your discussion, you could consider what practices do they have in common? (Recall from Chapter 11 that beliefs, rituals, and other practices create cumulative experiences.)

Or, you could consider if there are guidelines for everyday life that the 3 major religions share.

Or, you could answer, what similar emotional discomforts do they provide for their followers and their society?

Detailed Instructions


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