The assignment focuses on Alcohol and substance abuse-health service needs. You required to describe how the vulnerable population experiences the health care system

Alcohol and substance abuse-health service needs

People affected by alcohol and substance abuse. Firstly, A description of the vulnerable population (and why they need assistance in your community. Secondly, description of the health service needs of the vulnerable population you have chosen to serve with your program. Thirdly, In order to support need for the service you propose, cite statistical data obtained from your health department. Fourthly, state health department, and organizations or agencies who serve the vulnerable population. • A description of your proposed community service or program; include the specific service(s) provided and one continuum of care level (prevention, treatment, or long-term care). Explain how the selected service(s) and the continuum of care will impact the chosen population. • Discuss the social and cultural norms of your vulnerable population and how these play a role in the need for the services offered by your program.

Alcohol and substance abuse-health service needs

Describe how the vulnerable population experiences the health care system. Analyze methods your program can use to overcome social and cultural differences. • Identify two or more community organizations or agencies with which you can partner in order to implement your program. Explain how these organizations can help you implement the services you offer. Also the continuum of care offered by the potential partnering agencies. Explain which services these organizations will provide to your clientele that are not covered by your program. • Analyze at least four potential funding sources for your program, one of which must be from a state funded agency, one of which must be from a federally funded agency and the remaining two can be not-for-profit or for-profit business sources. Finally, explain what factors must met in order to receive funding from your sources. 

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