This assignment explores Advanced Data Visualization. On the other hand, it touches upon  Tableau and Python industry tools.  So, visually showcase data by identifying appropriate sources of data, scraping and cleaning data, and presenting those data in different formats.

Advanced Data Visualization – Tableau and Python industry tools

COMPETENCIES 4033.1.1 : Advanced Elements of Data Visualization The graduate describes the fundamentals of effective story-telling through data visualization. 4033.1.2 : Configure Data for Visualization.  The graduate configures data for visualization. 4033.1.3 : Visualizing Data Patterns and Proportions The graduate creates patterns and proportions for effective data visualization. 4033.1.4 : Visualizing Relationships and Differences. The graduate creates visualizations representing the relationships and differences of the data. 4033.1.5 : Data Visualization Presentation. Besides,  the graduate implements best practices using data visualization techniques for effective storytelling.

Advanced Data Visualization – Tableau and Python industry tools

The purpose of this task is for you to visually showcase data by identifying appropriate sources of data, scraping and cleaning data, and presenting those data in different formats. As you complete this task, you will create a dashboard with multiple visualization formats, use your data to effectively tell a story, and justify the choices you make. Your choices will be based on the criteria in the scenario and requirements sections below. You will also submit a brief written response to explain how you chose to present your data and why your methods are appropriate. You must submit all your data files (both raw and cleaned) in spreadsheet format (e.g., .csv, .xls, .xlsx).

To scrape your data, choose reliable web sources and use tools common to the industry such as Python, R, or other industry standard tools. You should use Tableau to create all your graphic representations (e.g., scatter plots, bubble charts, density plots, histogram matrices, heat maps, parallel coordinate plots, multidimensional scaling). Finally, submit these Tableau outputs as .pdf files.

Detailed Instructions

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