The assignment talks about  Adult learning theories and leadership principles-education setting. So the Paper will be 15 – 20 double spaced pages on adult learning theories and leadership principles surrounding a leadership initiative within the student’s home institution or in an educational setting

Adult learning theories and leadership principles-education setting

Paper will  15 – 20 double spaced pages on adult learning theories and leadership principles surrounding a leadership initiative within the student’s home institution or in an educational setting approved by the instructor.  (If you have a topic that you feel needs to approved by instructor, please send to me so I can get that to the instructor ASAP). Then, Paper Format (As per the UofC Dissertation and Case Study Handbook) Title Page Chapter I. Introduction This is where you present a purpose, road map and short summary on the importance of your select topic and a short summary of the results of your topic. Chapter II. Literature Review.  This where you will summarize the information and data from your references. Chapter III. Analysis. This where you provide your own analysis of your topic anchored in fact and reason. Chapter IV. Summary. So, Summarize the meaning of your analysis.
Adult learning theories and leadership principles-education setting
Reference Page II. Evaluation Rubric A. Introduction Summarized appropriately _________________________________________________ Distinguished between fact, opinion, and own inferences_________________________ B. Secondly, Literature Review Supported issue(s) with background research and stated clearly and concisely_______ Recognized all important facts_____________________________________________ C. Thirdly, Analysis Comparisons and Contrasts are clearly and concisely stated_______________________ D. Summary Analysis reflected good understanding of course material_________________________ Analysis incorporated outside material as appropriate____________________________ Concepts from the text utilized to aid in understanding_______________________ All feasible solutions/alternatives were identified________________________________ Analysis were clearly stated_________________________________________________ Analysis followed logical___________________________________________________ E. Lastly References_
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