I have a financial accounting task, but its about to write a report and make a presentation and both need to be about make a difference between 2 compagnies of the same industry and talk about financial ratios and all using table and graphics to present them

2 pages + 5 slides

Students should use the knowledge that they have gained thought the course to analyze a selected company and make a recommendation on investing (yes/no, short- or long-term) in the analyzed company.

Students should prepare two elements. First, a report that analyzes the key sets of financial ratios (liquidity, solvency, profitability, efficiency sets of ratios) and trend seen in financial statements. The report should be directed at a client, who wants a brief.Hence, the text should not extend over two pages (A4, Times New Roman, size 12, 1.5 spacing). Tables, graphs etc. should be included as appendix to the report. Second, students should prepare a 5 minute PowerPoint presentation of the report.
The suggested layout of the paper report is: 1/ cover page, 2/ text page 1, 3/ text page 2, 4/ appendix. The suggested layout of the presentation is: 1/ cover slide, 2/ table presenting key financial ratios, 3/ graphs presenting key financial statements information, 4/ conclusion slide.

Students should keep in mind that to properly present the selected company and therefore make the needed recommendation, the selected company needs to be compared to a reference point (another company in the same industry or the industry average). Students should confirm the selected pair of companies or the source of industry information with the lecturer prior to working on a project.